It’s great to be living in this day and age where modern-day conveniences are readily available to us. Imagine the era before spectacles were invented, when people lived to be more than a hundred, blinded by cataracts and fumbling everywhere.
Now we have, among other luxuries, disposable contact lenses. Isn’t life grand?
Having excellent vision is a universal basic need that’s not mentioned in the conventional list, which includes water, food, clothing, and shelter. Comfort is always tantamount to clear vision, and this is what disposable contact lenses strive to do for you—give you excellent vision without the need for glasses.
Disposable contact lenses have been a widely used modality for people with vision problems since they were launched in the late eighties, and since then manufacturers have been innovating to make high-quality disposable contact lenses more comfortable, convenient to use, and affordable—tailored to suit your preference and lifestyle.
Let’s compare two types of disposable contact lenses: daily disposables and monthly disposables.
The Advantages of Daily Disposable Contact Lenses
They’re healthier for your eyes. The more frequently you change into sterile lenses, the lower the risk of infection. With DDCLs, you wear a fresh, clean pair every day.
They’re convenient. Since DDCLs are discarded every night, no cleaning solutions and lens cases are required.
They’re time efficient. When you forget your conventional contact lenses, you have to go home to get them. With DDCLs, you can carry spares with you or leave several pairs in your office. When they get lost, you have a supply ready on hand.
They help decrease allergies and irritated eyes. Cleaning solutions could trigger allergies and eye irritations. Frequently changing your lenses also allows less time for deposits to build up. A fresh smooth lens is gentler on irritated eyes.
The downside: Compared to conventional contact lenses, DDCLs are relatively more expensive. While its overall cost is offset because you don’t spend on cleaning solutions, monthly disposable contact lenses are still cheaper.
Who would benefit from daily disposables?
People who don’t like to keep a tab on dates—just take your lenses out each night and put fresh ones in the morning
People who are not very compliant with contact lens care (e.g., teenagers)
People who frequently travel—no need to transport bulky cleaning solutions
People whose glasses are being repaired and they have no spare
People whose eyes are sensitive to contact lens cleaning solutions
People who want to try contact lenses for the first time (just to see if they like it)
People who lead active lifestyles or engage in sports, where dust or other foreign bodies could easily get into the eyes
People who wants to wear contact lens just for one occasion
The Advantages of Monthly Disposable Contact Lenses
They’re more durable than DDCLs. Monthly contact lenses are replaced every 4 weeks, so you get to keep your contact lenses for a longer time.
They’re cheaper. Despite the added cost of cleaning solutions, monthly disposable contact lenses are still relatively cheaper than DDCLs.
They’re more eco-friendly. Since you don’t toss out contact lenses daily, this means less waste.
They require basic care and upkeep. Nothing beats the convenience of wearing contact lenses in the morning and tossing them into the bin at night, but monthly disposable contact lenses only require simple cleaning and disinfection between uses. It won’t take much of your time.
The downside: Monthly disposable contact lenses require cleaning and contact lens solutions. Aside from this minor inconvenience, there is a higher risk of developing ocular irritation from the lenses drying up.
Who would benefit from monthly disposables?
People who want disposable contact lenses but think daily disposables are too expensive
People who constantly need to switch from eyeglasses to contact lenses more than once per day
People who are eco-conscious
So which contact lens type is better for you? Your routines, personal preferences and budget should determine this. Sit down with our optometrist and discuss your daily, weekly, and monthly dynamics. Our optometrist will help you weigh out the pros and cons of each type of contact lens and come up with the best choice to suit your preference and lifestyle. They may also share other patients’ experiences with contact lenses and shed light on some things you have not considered. More importantly, they will examine your eyes and prescribe the right lenses for you.